We support you with our holistic approach to Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).
Along the entire product development, across all departments and domains.
With our know-how we help you to build your (Model Based) System Engineering infrastructure.

All About Models
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is an approach to systems engineering that uses both models and documents to provide information about a system. These models are created using the SysML or UML specifications.
From Requirements Engineering to MBSE
We accompany you on the way to transforming text-based requirements engineering with its specifications into the 21st century. We use state of the art technologies and methods such as SysML to model requirements and install them as a central building block of product development.

What actually is SysML?
The Systems Modeling Language is based on UML 2 and is a standardized, graphical modeling language. It is used in the field of systems engineering to model a variety of complicated systems.

Use Case
NANGA SYSTEMS is implementing PTC’s Windchill at a leading global automotive and industrial supplier and is supporting the implementation as well as the connection to the existing ALM system.
The resulting IT infrastructure forms a sustainable foundation in product development that is future-proof and networked.

Strategy Consulting
From the very beginning, NANGA SYSTEMS was able to lay the foundations for the infrastructure of digital product development in the establishment of a leading supplier of high-performance electronics.
Digital Thread
The solutions in the domains CAD, PLM, ALM, and IoT were implemented considering the previously designed MBSE strategy.
The relevant workforce was comprehensively prepared for the new system landscape and trained on the new digital infrastructure.
Even after the successful go-live, NANGA SYSTEMS continues to consult and develop the entire system landscape to stay one step ahead.
let´s talk
Contact us
Do you need support, inspiration or do you have a specific question about all topics related to (Model Based) Systems Engineering?
Then please fill out the form or contact us directly. We will get back to you in the course of the day. Uncomplicated and fast!